Page 199 - Pendik e-Katalog
P. 199
St s A gn
The Wings theme symbolizes flight The Iconic Star chapter is inspired
and fantasy, in which the designer’s by archival Jean Schlumberger
iconic wing silhouettes transform sketches and designs, in which the
into a luminous story rendered in di- designer explores the star silhouette
amonds and sapphires. The Ray of as an iconic symbol of the universe.
Light chapter takes inspiration from Expanding on Jean Schlumberger’s
archival Jean Schlumberger by Tif- allure of the stars, the Constellation
fany brooches that emulate gilded chapter encompasses motifs that
sunrays. These designs feature red are defined by elements reminiscent
spinels that evoke delicate expressions of star patterns. Each of these chap-
of elusive beams of light. One of the ters celebrate Jean Schlumberger’s
most versatile designs within Ray of ingenious lens of the world above.
Light is an incredibly special necklace
that converts into a tiara, a style that
has not been included in Tiffany Blue
Book collections for several years.