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            Ülkemizin  dünya  markası  haline  geldiği  saç  ekimi  alanı,   The hair transplant sector, where Türkiye has become a world
            hem ekonomiye hem de sağlık turizmine katkı sağlıyor. Öte   brand,  contributes  both  to  the  economy  and  to  health  tour-
            yandan Op. Dr. Bülent Cihantimur tarafından 2 senelik bir   ism. On the other hand, Organic Hair Transplantation, which
            Ar-Ge ile geliştirilen Organik Saç Ekimi, Türkiye’de ve dün-  was developed by Surgeon Bülent Cihantimur, aka Doctor B,
            yada ilk defa, Estetik International Sağlık Grubu tarafından   through a 2-year R&D, started to be applied by Estetik Interna-

            uygulanmaya başlandı.                          tional Health Group for the first time in Turkey and in the world.
            Klasik saç ekiminde hastalar genellikle ağrıdan ve doğal ol-  In hair transplantation, patients are often worried about pain
            mayan görüntüden endişe duyuyor. Dünyada ilk kez Türki-  and unnatural results. The organic hair transplantation tech-
            ye’de Estetik International tarafından uygulanmaya başlayan   nique, which was started to be applied by our team in Türkiye for

            organik saç ekimi tekniği bu iki endişeyi de ortadan kaldırı-  the first time in the world, eliminates these two concerns. Since
            yor. Doğal bir görünüme imkan tanıyan teknikte hiçbir yara   there are no scars in the technique the outcome is so natural that
            izi olmadığından saç ekimi yapıldığı dahi anlaşılmıyor.   the operation is barely recognizable.
            Klasik saç ekimi süreçlerinde, sadece donör alana yani hasta-  In typical hair transplantation processes, only the healthy hair
            nın sağlıklı kıl köklerine odaklanılıyor. Buradan alınan greft-  follicles of the patient, which are called the donors, are focused
            ler saçtan yoksun bölgeye naklediliyor. Oysa kelleşen alanda   on. Grafts are taken from that area and then transplanted to the
            deri, kemiğe yakınlaşmış ve içi boşalmıştır. Burada azalan ve   areas needed. However, since a lack of fat is observed in the bald-
            saç köklerini besleyemeyen bir yağ dokusu gözlemlenir.  ing area, the hair follicles can not get the nutrition needed.

                                                             Plastic Surgery and Modern Techniques
                                                             Cihantimur B, et al. Plast Surg Mod Tech 6: 161.
                                                             Research Article
                                                             Organic Hair Transplantation: A New Concept in
                                                                  Hair Transplantation
                                                             Bulent Cihantimur 1,2 , Gina Moret Nesi 1,2 , John P Cole 3-5*
                                                             1 Estetik International Quasar Plastic Surgery Clinic Istanbul, Turkey
                                                             2 Doctor B Academy for Research and Lab, USA
                                                             3 Cole New York City Hair and Biologic Research Center and Lab, USA
                                                             4 PHTC Atlanta, Georgia, USA
                                                             5 Forhair NYC, USA
                                                             * Corresponding author: John P Cole, Cole New York City Hair and Biologic Research Center and Lab, USA
                                                             Citation: Cihantimur B, Nesi GM, Cole JP (2022) Organic Hair Transplantation: A New Concept in Hair Transplantation. Plast Surg
                                                             Mod Tech 6: 161. DOI: 10.29011/2577-1701.100061
                                                             Received Date: 02 July, 2022; Accepted Date: 13 July, 2022; Published Date: 18 July, 2022
                                                              Introduction: Senile aalopecia occurs in all individuals beginning at age 35 regardless of gender due to aging. Androgenic
                                                              alopecia begins much earlier in life. Standard treatments for alopecia include transplanting existing hair follicles to bald or
                                                              thinning areas and/or stimulating existing follicles with topical, oral, or injectable medications. These therapies are associated
                                                              with high costs, adverse side effects, and, in some cases, an inadequate response. Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells
                                                              (ADMSCs), on the other hand, represent a promising medical breakthrough in the field of skin rejuvenation. ADMSCs secrete
                                                              several growth factors, cytokines, and exosomes that collectively rejuvenate skin by increasing collagen production and promoting
                                                              fibroblast migration. In this study, the “Cihantimur Fat Transfer” method is used to mechanically extract adipose-derived stem
                                                              cells that, upon combination with enzymatically digested adipose tissue, yields an ADMSC-enriched lipograft. These ADMSC-
                                                              enriched lipografts are then used in conjunction with the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplantation technique to treat
                                                              alopecia. The results shown herein indicate that this combinatory approach increases the survival rate of grafts and reduces hair
                                                              loss owing to a more hospitable transplant environment afforded by the growth factor rich ADMSC lipograft. Materials and
                                                              Methods: Eighteen patients (17 male, 1 female) underwent hair transplantation surgeries between 1 January 2013 and 20 March
                                                              2015. Approximately 3000-4000 follicular units were transplanted in each case using the FUE technique. Critically, the graft
                                                              areas for half of the subjects were pre-treated with an ADMSC-enriched lipograft prepared according to following technique.
                                                              Autologous fat tissue (100 mL) was obtained from the abdominal area. Half of that tissue was processed using the Cihantimur Fat
                                                              Transfer method, and the remaining half was processed via enzymatic digestion. The two fractions were recombined to produce
                                                              a lipograft with high concentrations of both ADMSCs and stromal cells, which are important to cell survival. The results of the
                                                              organic hair transplantation technique were assessed by patient satisfaction questionnaires. Results: Patients who received the
                                                              ADMSC-enriched lipograft pre-treatment demonstrated less edema than those who underwent a standard FUE transplantation by
                                                              the same surgeon but without the pre-treatment. By five days following surgery, edema was completely resolved in all patients.
                                                              For the study group, micro wounds were healed, and erythema was no longer significant by two weeks after surgery. All patients
                                                              indicated that they did not experience significant pain after the procedure, though a mild tenderness was noted. Overall, patient
                                                              satisfaction was high; the treatment decreased progressive hair loss increased pre-existing hair diameter. Discussion: The use of
                                                              stem cells as a therapeutic has increased substantially, particularly in aesthetics operations, since their regenerative effects were
                                                              first recognized. We use an aseptic squeezing centrifugation lipotransfer system that removes approximately 30% of aspirate
                                                              containing unwanted older adipose cells and liquid triglycerides. The result is a product rich in adipose-derived stem cells and
                                                              interstitial structures. Although several approaches to promote hair growth using ADSCs have evolved, our method is the only
                                                             1               Volume 6; Issue 01
                                                             Plastic Surgery Mod Tech, an open access journal
                                                             ISSN: 2577-1701
            Bu alana yeni saç kökleri nakledilse dahi, başarıyı yakalama   The skin in this area is quite close to the bone and lacks fat. When
            olasılığı çok az.                              new hair follicles are transplanted to this area, the chances of suc-
            Kelleşme sorunu yaşayanların sahip oldukları sağlıklı kıl kök-  cess are very low.

            leri, gerçek anlamda onların hazinesiyken, klasik yöntemlerle   While the healthy hair follicles of those suffering from baldness
            yapılan bir girişim, saç ekimi sonrasında, sağlıklı saç kökleri-  are truly their treasure, an attempt made with classical methods
            nin de ölmesine sebep oluyor. Ayrıca klasik saç ekiminde kel   causes healthy hair follicles to die after hair transplantation. It is
            alana enjekte edilen kimyasalların yine bu sağlıklı saç kökle-  also known that chemicals injected into the bald area in classical
            rine zarar verdiğini biliyoruz.                hair transplantation damage these healthy hair follicles.
            İşte  organik  saç  ekimi,  özellikle  bu  noktalarda  çok  önemli   Considering these points, organic hair transplantation provides
            avantajlar sağlıyor. Hastanın kendi yağından elde edilen kök   several advantages over the classical methods. Injection of oil
            hücreden  zenginleştirilmiş  yağ  enjeksiyonu,  hem  saç  ekimi   enriched with stem cells obtained from the patient’s own fat not

            işleminin yapılabilmesini kolaylaştırıyor hem de artık verim-  only facilitates hair transplantation, but also makes the ineffi-
            sizleşmiş saçtan yoksun alanı sağlıklı hale getiriyor.  cient, hair-free area healthy.
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